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sonar control中文是什么意思

用"sonar control"造句"sonar control"怎么读"sonar control" in a sentence


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  • In the background of national defense beforehand research project " h / sjl - 863 minehunting sonar control stabilizing system " , the array dynamic modeling and robust control problems of carrier based strap - down mode minehunting sonar are mainly studied . the main works are : the dynamic models of minehunting sonar array are established for the first time . in order to design the directly control parts and simulate , the standard dynamic equations of minehunting sonar array are founded
    本文以国防预研型号项目“ h sjl - 863猎雷声纳控制稳定系统”的研制任务为背景,对舰载捷联式猎雷声纳基阵动力学建模及鲁棒控制问题进行了深入研究,主要工作如下:首次建立了舰载猎雷声纳基阵较完整的动力学模型,给出了便于直接进行控制设计和仿真的规范化通用形式的猎雷声纳基阵动力学方程。
用"sonar control"造句  
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